LEAP Dialogues: The Educator’s Guide
Maria Amatullo (The New School), Jennifer May (Art Center), Andrew Shea (Parsons School of Design, MANY Design)
Since its publication in September 2017, the Educators Guide has been received with critical interest as attested by its inclusion in syllabi across the country (in colleges such as ArtCenter and Parsons where members of the editorial team teach, but also nationally and internationally). In a field of design that remains sparsely populated in terms of comparable readings that communicate teachable lessons, the data compiled to date about downloads of the guide demonstrate significant interest distributed across the world: as of May 29, 2018, the Educator’s Guide has been downloaded 567 times by 460 unique users across 25 countries, including the United States, the UK, Australia, China, Germany, Finland, India, Uruguay and South Africa. Approximately 40% of the downloads have been from users at educational institutions, including Arizona State University, Illinois Institute of Design, MICA, Indian School of Design & Innovation, Aalto, Stanford, EnsAD, University of Toronto, MassArt, Carnegie Mellon, Princeton, Tshwane University of Technology and University of South Australia.
Copy Editor: Alex Carswell
Designer: TwoPoints.Net
Research Support: Justine Esquivel (Art Center)
Published by: Designmatters, Art Center College of Design
Financial Support: Autodesk Foundation and VentureWell
Awards: Service Design Award from Design Incubation
Online: www.designmattersatartcenter.org/leap-educatorsguide
Video Guide (produced by AIGA National)